Black tea can shrink cancer cells after 3 hours treatment

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Black tea can shrink cancer cells after 3 hours treatment

The new study by researchers in the US have found that black tea and oolong Chinese tea contain a compound called Theaflavins-2 (TF-2) which can shrink cancer cells within 3 hours of treatment and even kill cancer cells through apoptosis process.

The study seeks to know the possibility of TF-2 to induce of cancer cells death and effects on inflammation that could play a role in the mechanisms of cancer growth. The compound has also demonstrated the ability to activate gene that kill cancer cells. In addition, Theaflavin-2 capable suppress the gene activity that can trigger an inflammatory enzyme Called COX2 and reducing other inflammatory molecules activities.

Black tea is widely consumed by people in the UK offers the prevention of cancer cells through a mechanism involving gene regulation and an anti-inflammatory effect. But according to Dr Tim Bond, a Tea Advisory Panel, the research results still require clinical trials of the effects of black tea components to the risk of cancer.
