Chlorine in Swimming Pool Increases the Risk of Cancer

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Chlorine in Swimming Pool Increases the Risk of Cancer

Swimming in a chlorinated swimming pool water is not only a danger to the children but also for adults. A Research Center for Environmental Epidemiology in Barcelona, Spain, said that swimming in the pool water containing chlorine can increase the cancer risk.

Previous studies stating that chlorinated water in the pool can cause respiratory system disorders and risk of lung infections for children who swim in it. This reveals that the use of chlorine for water disinfectant in the swimming pool is not a best choice. Chlorine is a toxic chemical that can be dangerous if used in large quantities for long periods of time, especially in its use in swimming pool.

The results of a study published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives revealed that blood tests, urine and breath of 50 healthy adult study participants who swam for 40 minutes in chlorinated swimming pools have gained increasing marker for respiratory disorders, suggesting decreased resistance against the lining of the lungs foreign substances. It also found seven increases some signs of DNA damage that is associated with cancer risk.

Chlorine compound with organic substances, such as urine or sweat will produce a kind of Nitrogen trichloride compounds that can cause great irritation. This organic compounds can react to a gas in indoor swimming pool and bring the impact of body cells that protect the lungs.

Swimming is good exercise for the health of our bodies. We do not have to leave this activity but advised for the managers of the pool to reduce the use of chlorine to disinfecting the swimming pool water.
