Breast-feeding? Of course the best!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Breast-feeding? Of course the best!

On the occasion of World Breastfeeding Week from 03 Oct 09 to inform the Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) in close cooperation with the German Midwives Association and the WHO / UNICEF initiative "Baby Friendly Hospital" with a special offer on the subject of breastfeeding. On the website of BzgA ( have from 4 Oct 09, 2011 to all parents and interested parties the opportunity to ask questions about breastfeeding and to be answered by experts. By Lisa Fehrenbach from the German Midwives Association and Dr Michael Abou-Dakn, a member of the National Breastfeeding Committee and Past President of the WHO / UNICEF initiative "Baby Friendly Hospital", as used in this time, two renowned experts with their knowledge and practical experience to answer All questions regarding disposal.

Says, "Breastfeeding is undoubtedly the best for mother and child", Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Pott, director of the Federal Centre for Health Education. "With the milk receives the newborn not only all the necessary nutrients for healthy development, but also an important defense and protection materials, which protects it against diseases. For mothers breastfeeding may also reduce the risk for breast and ovarian cancer."

Denoch many mothers stop breastfeeding early: Just two months after the birth, the percentage of breastfeeding mothers from initially about 90 per cent reduced to 70 percent, six months after birth, breastfeeding, only about half of them. Not infrequently, are lack of knowledge in dealing with possible breastfeeding problems or ignorance and lack of support in the personal environment reasons.

"Breastfeeding is a natural thing, it is the normal way to feed babies and young children and to have the same feel, warmth and security. But expectant mothers and fathers are confused frequently, for example, whether breastfeeding can not be too restrictive or why and why breastfeeding is also important to the fathers, "says Dr. Abou-Dakn.

"Breastfeeding - talk about it!" - Lisa Fehrenbach from the German Midwives Association is this year's theme of World Breastfeeding Week a wonderful invitation to talk about breastfeeding, to let the family and the environment share the experiences, share knowledge and exchange information - with expectant parents, nursing mothers and freshly baked Fathers, sons and daughters, grandparents, friends and girlfriends. "
More and more "baby friendly" Births in Germany

120 maternity and pediatric hospitals are members of the initiative, 66 of which are recognized as "Baby Friendly Hospital". Studies show that "baby friendly" promotes the early parent-infant bonding and breastfeeding. Mothers who have given birth in baby-friendly hospitals, nurse their children much more frequently and exclusively from the start. About 14 percent of newborns are now in these hospitals.