Tips for healthy drinking habits in children

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tips for healthy drinking habits in children

To be fit, children need to drink regularly and sufficiently. However, only half of the 6 houses - to 11-year-olds enough fluids. How much and what children should drink - this question asked by parents especially. Therefore, physicians and scientists in collaboration with the Child Health Foundation and supported by Danone Waters Germany, an expert workshop brought together the latest findings. The result is the brochure "How is drinking water for the children's game" with lots of important information and practical tips for parents.

The younger a person is, the higher - relative to its body weight - the water portion of his body. In infants, it is about 75 percent, 60 percent in adults. "Children have relative to their body size to a much higher fluid requirements than adults," explains Prof. Dr. Berthold Koletzko from Dr. von Hauner Children's Hospital of the University Hospital of Munich. Adequate hydration is important to maintain physical and mental performance. Children respond to water shortages, depending on the degree of thirst, impairment of concentration, to headaches and constipation. Therefore, it is important that children learn early to drink regularly.
Younger children drinking less than recommended

For the average fluid needs of children with the German Society for Nutrition (DGE) has issued guidelines. For the 2 - to 9-year-old cover about five to six glasses of liquid daily needs of 150 ml of beverage. "These values ​​may increase in sporting activities and outdoor temperatures naturally rise sharply," said Dr. Thomas Fischbach, Consultant Child and Adolescent Medicine, Solingen. A nationwide survey showed that younger children just drink less than recommended. "Especially young children have up to four years of fluid deficits," said Koletzko.
Older children drink too sweet

Surveys of children and adolescents also show that they have a relatively high proportion of sweetened drinks are strong nehmen.1 sugary drinks but contain a lot of energy - they can drink regularly even promote weight gain. From nutrition point of view, therefore, are water and unsweetened herbal or fruit teas for children the best thirst quencher. For a change, water with taste, serve iced fruit, lemon slices or a diluted juice spritzer.
Drinking education: Leading by Example

Important by the experts is that parents lead by example in drinking water. Because children develop at an early drinking habits and preferences. Especially as they learn by imitating adults, parents are role models. "Good drinking habits in the family, helping children to accept this from the beginning and then becomes the rule," says Anke Oepping ecotrophologist diploma from the Institute of Food, Consumption and Health at the University of Paderborn. Fixed drinking rituals, such as a glass of water with each meal, can help. However, this should always be understood as an offer to the experts, not as a "must", otherwise the opposite of desirables is easily achieved.
Information booklet with valuable expert tips for parents

So parents can learn in detail about a healthy drinking habits in childhood, was in collaboration with the experts, the brochure "How drinking water is child's play!" created. It contains a wealth of information and tips for everyday life. The brochure "How drinking water is child's play!" can be downloaded for free at